Roasted Garlic

This is a simple recipe that turns garlic into a versatile and flavorful condiment. I'm a fresh garlic fan as it is, but roasting it takes the sharpness away and leaves you with a paste you can add to just about anything in large quantities.

Ingredients Steps
  1. Preheat toaster oven (or oven) to 400 degrees F
  2. Break your garlic bulb apart into individual cloves, but leave them unpeeled
  3. Place the cloves on a sheet of aluminum foil large enough to wrap them completely
  4. Drizzle with olive oil and add salt, pepper, and any other herbs (if using) to taste. Mix well
  5. Wrap your mixture in the foil and place in the toaster for at least 30 minutes. 40 minutes will make it more spreadable. This will smell GOOD in the meantime
  6. Remove, allow to cool and refrigerate any garlic you aren't using immediately. I've kept this for a week without issues, but I'm not sure how much longer it would last
  7. When using, squeeze your roasted garlic out of the skins and spread on, mix into, or top anything you like!
